


姓名 沈晓燕    职称教授






[1] Zhang J., Zhang Y., Zhang X.,  Xu B., Zhao H., Sun T., Wang J., Lu S.and Shen X.*. A hybrid BCI computer cursor control scheme based on MI EEG and Eye Tracking [J]. iScience.2024

[2] Zhou, R., Wang J., Xia G., Xing J., Shen H., and Shen X.*.  Cascade Residual Multiscale Convolution and Mamba-Structured UNet for Advanced Brain Tumor Image Segmentation,Entropy,2024.26,( 5): 385.

[3] Shen, X.; Xu, B.; Shen, H.Indoor Localization System Based on RSSI-APIT Algorithm. Sensors 2023,23(24), 9620.

[4] Wu Y, Lou X,  Lu S., Bian X., Shen X*,. Gait regulation using monopolar intraspinal micro stimulation of spinal cord central pattern generator: New insights for improving Hodgkin-Huxley model [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2023,37(01):1-26.

[5] Shen X, Wu Y, Lou X, Li Z, Ma L, Bian X. Central pattern generator network model for the alternating hind limb gait of rats based on the modified Van der Pol equation. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2023, 61(2): 555-566.

[6] Zhang J, Wang X, Xu B, Wu Y, Lou X, Shen X. An overview of methods of left and right foot motor imagery based on Tikhonov regularisation common spatial pattern. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2023, 61(1)1407-1056 

[7] Zhang, J., Xu, B. , Lou X,,  Wu, Y., and Shen, X.*, MI-based BCI with accurate real-time three-class classification processing and light control application, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2023, 237 (8): 1017-1028

[8] Shen, X., Sun, T., Li, Z., Wu, Y.Generation of locomotor‑like activity using monopolar intraspinal electrical microstimulation in rats. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine,2023, 26(6), : 560-572.

[9] Shen X, Wang X, Lu S, Li Z, Shao W, Wu Y. Research on the real-time control system of lower-limb gait movement based on motor imagery and central pattern generator. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2022.71

[10] Wang X, Lu H, Shen X*, Ma L, Wang Y. Prosthetic control system based on motor imagery. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2022, 25(7): 764-771.  (SCD)  

[11] Lou X, Wu Y, Lu S, Shen X*. Control strategy for intraspinal microstimulation based on central pattern generator. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 2023, 26(3): 305-314.

[12] Shen X, Li Z, Ma L, Bian X, Cheng X, Lou X. Design and implementation of low-cost portable potentiostat based on WeChat. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 2022, 87(5): 603-614.

[13] Shen X, Lou X, Shao W, Li Z, Wu Y, Lu S. Gait regulation of hindlimb based on central pattern generator in rats with a spinal cord injury. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2022, 236(7): 979-987.

[14] Shen X, Tao C, Ma L, Shen J, Li Z, Wang Z, Lü X. Influence of spinal cord injury on core regions of motor function[J]. Neural Regen Res,2021,16(3):567-572






1.基于蓝牙物联网的智慧照明系统的研发   合作单位:保控(南通)物联科技有限公司

2.注药泵综合信息管理系统  合作单位:爱普科学仪器(江苏)有限公司



